Volume 7, Issue 2 (10-1999)                   www.ijcm.ir 1999, 7(2): 95-108 | Back to browse issues page

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Occurrence 411' Cobalt Mineralization in Tidar area - E(llid. www.ijcm.ir 1999; 7 (2) :95-108
URL: http://ijcm.ir/article-1-872-en.html
Abstract:   (3255 Views)

The Tidtir CObHl1 deposit is Im.:alell IX km northwesl 01 Ihe I()wn ul
Eqliu, in Ihe S:tlwndaj - Sirjan zonc. Cobalt mincralil.ation occur:-. 111 a Ic
horizon)' concordant Wi lh, and within Ihe :-.cdmlcnlary detrital :-.equem.:cs of
limeslom:, sa nd)'lOnc and marl of upper jurassk (M,dm) age.
The main minerals arc magnclile and changing gradually 10 hemalite anu
then to limonite and g()clh ile. Co, Ni, Mn, Ti, A:-., bearing minerals also tlI..:cur.
These minerals represents an oxidized environment, hu whether coha lt
bearing pha~es, (Ire part or the ox idized zone or helong 10 an independent
sou rce underneath, is the subject of Ihis study.
Association of cobalt wilh Iron, man g~ n Ci>e and day mmcr .. h (),ta,cngcr
components) .lotrongly .loUpport thc hypOthc..i 01 ad:-.urbtioll. 11,,; ~ h:-.e lltc of
ullramafic oUlcrops. the Slratiform nature of mineralized horizons, the Inw Ph
and Zn content s, Ihe absence of indir..:ator minerals of reduced far..:ies, rejcr..:1
the known models of caha lt mineralization (skarn, laterilit, hydrothermal.
m<lgmatic and stratiform) for Tidar deposit
The weathered m3fie or ultml1afic plulon is probahly the primary source
of cahall; The free Cohalt released from thb pluton b transp0 rl cd to the
upper Jurassic :-.edimcnt al)' basin, or had been moved as a CObill! hearing
phase to the depos ition si le, where il was weathered and Co was releases. And
finall y, the free Cobalt ions ei ther were adsorbed on certain mineral grain s. or
INf' lI~r()~il (' d ;1~ amrlrphnllS eompollo(h fillin!! the ;,<vOIil;;blc open SPU(;CS,

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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