Article Writing Guide

 | Post date: 2021/09/5 | 
Paper Format For Publication in IJCM
To prepare a paper for submission to the Iranian Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy (IJCM) please consider the following structure:
1- The submitted papers should be composed of clearly defined sections of
  • title,
  • abstract,
  • introduction,
  • research methods,
  • results and discussion,
  • conclusions,
  • acknowledgement, and
  • references.
2- To prepare a paper for submission to IJCM, use Microsoft Word with the fonts defined at the bottom of this page.
3- The Title page should include the title of the manuscript, the full name of all the authors with their affiliations, i.e. the department or institution to which they are attached, address for correspondence with telephone numbers, e-mail, Fax number, and date of preparation both in Persian and English. The corresponding author who will handle the correspondence at all stages of refereeing, publication, and also post-publication, should be specified with a star (*) symbol.
4- A concise abstract of maximum 150 words is required both in Persian and English (The English abstract on a separate page). The abstract should state briefly the purpose of the research, the principal results and conclusions.
5- The abbreviations, if any, must be defined at their first mention, e.g. the Iranian Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy (IJCM) is one of the scientific journals published in Iran.
6- For indexing purposes, provide at most 6 keywords immediately after the abstracts.
7- The references should be cited numerically (in brackets, e.g. [5]) in the text.
The references list should only be in latin alphabet and according to the following example (in the references list, no reference should be appeared in persian; they must be translated in english. The "in persian" phrase needs to be indicated at the end of the translated title.):
[5] Abedini A., Calagari A.A., Hadjalilu B., "Geological-mineralogical characteristics and trace elements geochemistry in Aghadjari bauxite deposit, south of Shahindezh, NW of Iran (in Persian)", Iranian Journal of Crystallography and Mineralogy 16 (2008) 327-341.
9- If a DOI or DOR code has been assigned to a reference used, it needs to be provided in that reference information.
10- The authors are recommended to cite as many articles previously published in IJCM as possible (at least 5). This can improve the journal citation report and rank in ISC.
11- The authors should avoid using the Latin words having Persian equivalent; they can mention the Latin word as a footnote, if needed. The numbers should be typed in Persian in the text as well in the tables.  
12- The tables must be numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and should be placed on the separate page(s) at the end of the manuscript. Please submit tables as editable text and not as images. The table width should not exceed 15 cm.  
13- The figures should be with high quality art work and mounted on separate pages at the end of the manuscript. Their width should not exceed 15 cm.
14- The figures must be also numbered consecutively in accordance with their appearance in the text and Persian letters with alphabetical order should be used to designate figure parts.
15- The captions for tables should be placed above them, while for figures should be below them.
The line spacing in the text of the article should be 1/5.
17- The manuscripts should not exceed 18 A4 pages in length (including references, tables and figures) with a single line spacing and 3 cm margins on each side.
18- After acceptance, each paper will be edited with Linguistic corrections not affecting the meaning by the journal copy editor. The final proof will be sent to the corresponding author for checking the typesetting, copyediting, completeness and correctness of the manuscript.
To prepare a paper for publication in IJCM use the following fonts:
English font Farsi font
Time9 Med. Nazanin12 Header
Time14 Bold Nazanin16 Bold Title
Time11 Bold Nazanin13 Bold Authors names
Time10 Italic Nazanin11 Italic Affiliation and email-address
Time10 Med. Nazanin11 Date of preparation
Time11 Italic Nazanin12 Italic Keywords
Time11 Bold Nazanin11 Bold Introduction and sections headings
Time11 Med Nazanin12 text
Time10 Bold Nazanin10 Bold Figures and tables numbers
Time10 Med. Nazanin11 Captions
Time11 Med. Nazanin12 References
Time9 Med.  Nazanin10 Footnotes

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