Authors Guide After Submission

 | Post date: 2021/09/5 | 
After logging into the personal page and submitting the paper, the corresponding author can track the status of the submitted manuscript on the journal site. In addition, any changes to the status of the paper will be notified by email to the corresponding author. Once the submitted paper is approved in the initial evaluation of the editorial board, it enters the review process. The review process of papers is broadly described in the Submission to Acceptance Procedure in the Journal Info section.
In the condition of the reviewers' approval, the paper is returned to the author(s) for the revisions required (if any). After submission of the revised manuscript and final approval of the reviewers and editorial board, the paper will be edited by the journal copyeditor and if it needs structural modification or its references are incomplete or their format is not correct, it will be sent back to the authors for necessary corrections. Then, the authors are asked to pay the article processing fee, so it will be published. For detailed information about the acceptance process of a manuscript see the Peer-Review Process in the Journal Info section.
Prior to the publication of the paper, authors can request for removing the authors' names or modifying their order, or to change the corresponding author, provided that their reasons are sufficient and acceptable for the journal. For this purpose three Request Forms are provided in the For Authors section. In order to modify the authorship order, the corresponding author needs to send a request letter signed by all authors and notify the journal about the new authorship (click here for the Change of authorship request form). Removal of an author name from the paper is also possible through the Request form for removal of authors name signed by him/her and the corresponding author. If the current corresponding author of a submitted paper wishes to assign one of the co-authors to take over the corresponding authorship, he/she must complete the Corresponding author change request form.

After publication
The authors should notify the journal if they notice any errors in the published paper and, if necessary, collaborate with the journal to correct the manuscript or remove it.

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