Volume 28, Issue 1 (3-2020)                   www.ijcm.ir 2020, 28(1): 259-266 | Back to browse issues page

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Pilevar Shahri R, Shafei S, Tabatabai Yazdi S. Structural and electrical properties of In-doped vanadium oxide thin films prepared by spray pyrolysis. www.ijcm.ir 2020; 28 (1) :259-266
URL: http://ijcm.ir/article-1-1432-en.html
Abstract:   (2549 Views)
The In-doped vanadium pentoxide nanostructures with different doping levels including 0, 10, 20 and 30 at.% were prepared by the spray pyrolysis technique. The prepared thin films were characterized by the x-ray diffraction (XRD) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). The XRD results revealed that the films were crystalline in tetragonal phase. Increasing the In-doping level made the structure more disordered and decreased the crystallite size up to more than 50% for V2O5: In30at.% with respect to the pristine sample. The SEM results showed single phased nanorod- and nanobelt-shaped V2O5 structures with average diameters of 50-100 nm. The Hall effect measurements showed that all the involved films are n-type semiconductors whose resistance increases with In content; this also can be related to the enhanced structural disorder of the samples.
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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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