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Abstract:   (184 Views)
In this research, two NiCo-ZIF and MgCo-ZIF crystals were prepared by adding nickel and magnesium elements to the ZIF-67 metal-organic framework. The preparation route was performed by solvothermal method at room temperature using different amounts of methanol solvent, 50, 100, and 150 ml. The effect of the amount of solvent on the structure, particle size, and morphology of the samples was investigated by various characterization methods. X-ray diffraction analysis showed that the intensity of the peaks decreases with increasing the amount of solvent from 50 to 100 ml, while at 150 ml, the intensity of the peaks increases. This variation in the peak intensities and consequently particle crystallinity is due to the dilution of the reaction medium on one side and the increase in nucleation rate on the other side. The FESEM images of the NiCo-ZIF sample, prepared at 50, 100, and 150 ml solvent, indicate that the average particle size reduces from 845 to 550 and then 391 nm, respectively. The unique reduction behavior was obtained for the MgCo-ZIF sample with values of 656, 411, and 299 nm, respectively. The reason is increased number of active sites in the crystal nucleation stage. The results of EDX and FTIR indicated that the fact of different binding ability of metal ions Co2+, Ni2+, and Mg2+ to the organic ligands causes the difference in the amount of these elements in the samples. The outcome of this study shows that the amount of solvent is one of the important factors in the synthesis of ZIF crystals, whose control can help to obtain particles with the desired size and morphology.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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