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1- Department of Geochemistry, Faculty of Earth Sciences, Kharazmi University, Iran
2- Iranian Mineral Processing Research Center, Karaj, Iran
Abstract:   (454 Views)
Kurkora 2 and Shahrak 2 iron deposits are among the deposits of the Shahrak skarn area, which is located in the Takab zone. The emplacement of dioritic to granodioritic and quartzdioritic intrusive bodies in volcanic and carbonate rocks has caused contact metamorphism and iron skarnification. Massive magnetite is the dominant oxide ore in Kurkora 2 and Shahrak 2 iron skarn. The gangue skarn minerals, in order of abundance, include phlogopite, calcite, clay minerals, actinolite, and chlorite. Pyrite and to a lesser extent pyrrhotite are the principal sulfide minerals in the studied deposits. Mineral chemistry studies of magnetite in Kurkora 2 and Shahrak 2 deposits, showed that these magnetites are located in the range of hydrothermal and skarn. Magnetite chemistry studies show the role of hydrothermal processes and high fluid/rock ratio in the magnetite mineralization of Kurkora 2 and Shahrak 2 compared to Kurkora 1 and Sarab 3. The mineralogy and geochemical evidence of the ore is proof of the skarn origin of iron ore formation in Kurkora 2 and Shahrak 2 deposits.
Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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