Volume 5, Issue 1 (4-1997)                   www.ijcm.ir 1997, 5(1): 3-12 | Back to browse issues page

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Skarn Mineralization Associated with Massive Granitoides in Lahijan. www.ijcm.ir 1997; 5 (1) :3-12
URL: http://ijcm.ir/article-1-892-en.html
Abstract:   (3370 Views)

Do lomites and limestones o f simmilar age as Soltanieh and
paleozoic forma tio ns have been tr ansformed to coa rse grained
granoblas tic marbles due to in tru sion of granitic masses, located 4 km
southeast of Lahijan, Iran, and barite mine ralization have also occurred.
Ore mine ra ls are mos tly co ncentr a ted along th e rracture zones in
do lo mites and mining activeities in the past was foc used on these
fractures and breccia zones. Studies of polished sections under the ore
microscope have shown that the major o re mine rals occurring in veins
contain magne tit e, pyr ite,pyrot ite chalcopyrite, hematite, goetite, and
C'I ~ M g- Fc s ili ca t e~ such as phlogo pite, talk, act inolite, thremolite,
diopsidc and chlorite. Magnetite is the major iron mine ral in skarn. This
mineral and pyro tit c are considered to be primary and the remaining
minerals are considered as second ary. Barite veins with eas t~wes t trends
formed by hydrothe rmal activi ties are o bserved in dolomiti and schists
ri ght next to the intru sio ns, a round villages such as Di zin and
Sarches hmeh. Conside ring the min eralogy, texture and stru cture or
these ve in s, it is probab le that they a re crys tallized in fractures at
temperatures below 500

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Type of Study: Research | Subject: Special

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